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Scientific Program



Dr.Sudhir Hegde Karkala
Membership No Author Name Email Mobile
3205 Dr.Roshni Treza Furtado [email protected] 7259840503
Comprehensive Ophthalmology

Comparison of 4 different methods for near addition in presbyopia

Purpose:To compare agreement between 4 different methods for near addition in presbyopic patients,agreement between tentative and final prescription values and predict physiological variables for optimal spectacle correction
Methods:Cross-sectional study on 50 participants.Inclusion criteria:Age 40-60, BCVA 6/9,N8.Near addition determined using dynamic retinoscopy(DR),Amplitude of accomodation using RAF rule(AA-RAF),Increasing plus lenses(IPL) and age-related method. 
Results: Bland and Altman method showed strong agreement between dynamic retinoscopy and increasing plus lenses (d= 0.915) followed by AA RAF (d=1.485) and age-related method (d=1.530).IPL method had strong agreement with final addition (mean difference(d)=-0.225).Age correlated positively with final addition. Gender,IPD, and PD had no significant correlation. 
Conclusion: All 4 methods were good, but IPL was closely similar to final addition.IPL is suggested for busy OPDs due to time efficiency and satisfactory results.

Membership No Author Name Email Mobile
944 Dr.Rajani K [email protected] 9880297551
1496 Dr.Ajay Achutha Kudva [email protected] 9880725980
2004 Dr.Akansha Shetty [email protected] 9880399151