Dr.Sudhir Hegde Karkala
Membership No | Author Name | Mobile | |
3205 | Dr.Roshni Treza Furtado | [email protected] | 7259840503 |
Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Comparison of 4 different methods for near addition in presbyopia
Purpose:To compare agreement between 4 different methods for near addition in presbyopic patients,agreement between tentative and final prescription values and predict physiological variables for optimal spectacle correction Methods:Cross-sectional study on 50 participants.Inclusion criteria:Age 40-60, BCVA 6/9,N8.Near addition determined using dynamic retinoscopy(DR),Amplitude of accomodation using RAF rule(AA-RAF),Increasing plus lenses(IPL) and age-related method. Results: Bland and Altman method showed strong agreement between dynamic retinoscopy and increasing plus lenses (d= 0.915) followed by AA RAF (d=1.485) and age-related method (d=1.530).IPL method had strong agreement with final addition (mean difference(d)=-0.225).Age correlated positively with final addition. Gender,IPD, and PD had no significant correlation. Conclusion: All 4 methods were good, but IPL was closely similar to final addition.IPL is suggested for busy OPDs due to time efficiency and satisfactory results.
Membership No | Author Name | Mobile | |
944 | Dr.Rajani K | [email protected] | 9880297551 |
1496 | Dr.Ajay Achutha Kudva | [email protected] | 9880725980 |
2004 | Dr.Akansha Shetty | [email protected] | 9880399151 |