Chair : Dr Sudhindra R
Co Chair: Dr Deepti Joshi
Moderator : Dr Sunayana Bhat
1. Eyeglasses, eyedrops, environment in control of myopia - Dr Smita Kapoor - 8 mins
2. Teary Eyed Child - Dr Vinay Sultanpur - 6 mins
3. Pediatric cataract in children - pearls - Dr Sunayana Bhat - 7 mins
4. Spectacle Prescription in Children – Do’s and Don'ts - Dr Deepti Joshi - 6 mins
5. Binocular Vision therapy in Amblyopia - principles - Dr Aditya Goyal - 7 mins
6. A child with low vision what can be done - Dr Subramanya Kota - 6 mins
7. The 4th generation of myopia control spectacle lenses: Results from Essilor Stellest lenses with H.A.L.T technology - Dr Vijaya Vasanthakumar - 8 mins