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Scientific Program



Dr.Thanuja Gopal Pradeep
Membership No Author Name Email Mobile
3579 Dr.POOJA SASIKUMAR [email protected] 9745299099
Refractive Surgery

Comparison of peripheral refraction in myopes,hypermetropes and emmetropes.

Title:Comparison of peripheral refraction in myopes,hypermetropes and emmetropes.
Aim:To study the relation between the refractive error,keratometry values,axial lengths and peripheral refraction in myopic, hypermetropic and emmetropic patients.
Method:Observational study.
result:96 patients were included with a mean age of 13±5.65% of patients showed peripheral hypermetropia with SE of 2.5;25% showed peripheral myopia with SE of -0.45,10% showed no peripheral refractive error . 
Conclusion:In current study myopic patients had max peripheral hypermetropic refractive error compared to myopic and emmetropics
Clinical implicationThis study will provide important information on the nature and progression of peripheral refraction, refractive error, keratometry values and axial lengths in all three groups of refractive errors.The results of this study will help in preventing or slowing down the rate of progression of refractive errors by allowing us to start management on time.

Membership No Author Name Email Mobile
1477 Dr.Thanuja Gopal Pradeep [email protected] 9611600888