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Scientific Program



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3347 Dr.Shilpa Anna Koshy [email protected] 8050906914


INTRODUCTION: IOL opacification is a rare complication of postoperative period can occur anytime varying from months to years. The exact patho-mechanisms are unknown and can be mistaken with white cataract or PCO.
CASE REPORT: A 73 year old male presented with complaints of diminution of vision in left eye since 6 months, painless and progressive nature. He underwent left eye cataract surgery 5 years ago elsewhere. On examination, BCVA in right eye-6/24, left eye- 6/18.On slit lamp examination, right eye had senile immature cataract and left eye showed opacified IOL. Fundus details of left eye is not made out. Patient underwent left eye IOL exchange with scleral fixating IOL with anterior vitrectomy and postoperatively the vision improved.
CONCLUSION: Detailed clinical evaluation including careful slit lamp examination and dilated fundoscopy is of paramount importance in diagnosis of these conditions and if visually significant require IOL exchange associated with good visual outcome.

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1335 Dr.Vishalakshi [email protected] 09448795412