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Scientific Program



Dr.Akshay Hiremath
Membership No Author Name Email Mobile
3430 Dr.Akshay Hiremath [email protected] 8050374123

Comparison of Subtenon's with Peribulbar anaesthesia in manual sics in tertiary care centre

To Compare efficacy of Peribulbar with Subtenon’s block with respect to akinesia & block related complications
A prospective comparative study was conducted including 60 patients who were divided into Peribulbar & Subtenon’s group. One 30mL vial of 2% lidocaine with adrenaline 1:200,000 mixed with 1 vial of lyophilized hyaluronidase (1500 I.U.) was used as an anesthetic agent. Sub conjunctival haemorrhage, chemosis & Akinesia were compared between the groups.
Peribulbar anaesthesia provided better akinesia than subtenon’s anaesthesia. Complications like chemosis & subconjunctival haemorrhage were more common in Subtenon’s anaesthesia. However, 2 patients in the subtenon’s group required supplementary injection 
Though there is increase in minor complications like chemosis & SCH with Subtenon’s compared to Peribulbar anaesthesia, Subtenon's is safe & effective alternative to the conventional Peribulbar block as it avoids needle related complications.

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772 Dr.Sathyendranath B Shetty [email protected] 9343714471
3428 Dr.preethi G [email protected] 9740446425
3429 Dr.Reshma K.M [email protected] 9071772834