
Commitments of Dr. POOJA SASIKUMAR for KOSCON 2023

S.no Session/Title/Topic Role Date | Time | Hall
1 Physical Posters - Slot 1 FP281 - Swimming through acute hydrops: compression sutures+ intracameral air injection combo to the rescue Presenting Author 27/10/2023
14:00 - 17:00
Physical Poster Area
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2 Rapid Fire Paper R- 7 Refractive Surgery & Surgical Retina FP467 - Comparison of peripheral refraction in myopes,hypermetropes and emmetropes. Presenting Author 28/10/2023
08:00 - 09:00
Gautama Hall
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Additional commitments as judge for award session shall not be displayed here as it is treated as confidential. If any , shall be included in the personalised commitment sent by email.

Commitments of Dr. POOJA SASIKUMAR for KOSCON 2023

S.no Session/Title/Topic Role Date | Time | Hall
1 Physical Posters - Slot 1 FP281 - Swimming through acute hydrops: compression sutures+ intracameral air injection combo to the rescue Presenting Author 27/10/2023
14:00 - 17:00
Physical Poster Area
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2 Rapid Fire Paper R- 7 Refractive Surgery & Surgical Retina FP467 - Comparison of peripheral refraction in myopes,hypermetropes and emmetropes. Presenting Author 28/10/2023
08:00 - 09:00
Gautama Hall
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Additional commitments as judge for award session shall not be displayed here as it is treated as confidential. If any , shall be included in the personalised commitment sent by email.